
May '24 - Jun '24

• It’s a research to business (R2B) project of Aalto University
• EpicMeets is an innovative tool for enhancing and accelerating innovation and development work. EpicMeets combines the best features of leading online collaboration and meeting automation services with a science-based visual language, giving startups and scale-ups the edge needed to thrive.
Web: https://epicmeets.io/

Working both on the backend and frontend part of EpicMeets (Interactive Meeting Enhancement Platform)

Tech Stack:
• Node.js · Express.js
• PostgreSQL · Prisma
• React.js · Shadcn/ui · Tailwind CSS
• Heroku
• E2E Test · Integration Test · Unit Test · Jest

• Developed the frontend and backend of scheduled meeting sessions (create, update, no overlapping time)
• Designed and developed the architecture for creating and joining real-time meeting sessions by using room-code (socket)
• Wrote unit tests for functions, helpers and utils
• Wrote integration tests for services and middlewares
• Wrote end-to-end tests for some APIs
• Modified and fixed various UI/UX elements (alerts, popup messages, top panel, join meeting, keyboard activities)

Apr '22 - Sep '23

Worked on the backend of Jeeto.
Jeeto is one of the active and engaging gaming platforms in Bangladesh.
Web: https://jeeto.online/

Tech Stack:
• Node.js · Express.js
• MongoDB · Mongoose
• Amazon S3 · Amazon EC2
• Firebase


Mobile Game App:
• Developed the APIs of the push notification system of the platform with firebase integration
• Developed the APIs for prize lists and prize images
• Developed the architecture and APIs of a gamified referral program system in the platform ( Affiliation, Referral, Point Earn-Burn)
• Developed vat-tax system and it’s correspondent APIs for the entry fee payment in prize events

Admin Panel:
• Developed role based authenticated admin panel APIs to see and analysis the user data
• Developed financial system APIs which shows all the transactions, history, credit-debit data
• Developed admin privileged APIs for gamified referral program which controls the full referral program, disburse gifts and offers, controls the access of how and when referral poins can be earned and burned

Sep '22 - Mar '23

ShellBeeHaken is a dev shop that specializes in customized software solutions development. We take pride in working with individuals who share similar ideologies with us. Within a short time, we were able to produce software for world-famous brands like Toyota, Fujitsu, Nagase, N-village, CCC, etc.

Tech Stack:
• ReactJS · NextJS · CSS
• NodeJS · ExpressJS · MongoDB · Mongoose

Worked both on the backend and frontend part of a project called Mapage (Barber Reservation Platform)
Web: https://mapage.net/

• Developed reusable and stateful components and web pages for a barber (we call Stylist here) reservation platform
• Developed the APIs of the messaging system between customer and stylist inside the platform
• Developed the APIs of the notification system of the platform
• Developed the APIs of the cancel stylist reservation module
• Developed the filtering while searching menu and coupon

Also worked on the frontend part of a project called UUORK (a virtual company management platform)

• Developed reusable and stateful components and web pages
• Integrated APIs in the pages and components

Sep '22- Mar '23 | Part-Time
Jun '22 - Aug '22 | Full-Time

Anything you need, Delivered to you in 1 Hour.
All to help your Local Mudir Dokan to earn TK 1 Lakh+ extra every month!
An e-commerce to give you the best level of service within only 1 hour.
Web: https://www.deliveryhobe.com/

Tech Stack:
• NestJS
• PostgreSQL · TypeORM
• Docker

• Developed three-layer architecture of the products’ category
• Developed and integrated different types of filtering in product search


Deliver ads to your customers with a click, is a digital ad sharer platform where you can share your product’s ad and set the area and budget. Our team will run the offline ad and give the statistical information of the ad and users in your dashboard.
Web: https://adshobe.vercel.app/

Tech Stack:
• NestJS
• PostgreSQL · TypeORM

• Built the architectural flow of the platform by discussing with the Product Manager
• Developed the backend of the system
• Integrated OTP and custom mobile message-sending system (from SSL Wireless)
• Connected APIs with the messenger (by using manychat)
• Connected AdsHobe users with existing DeliveryHobe e-commerce and redirected them to buy products

Dec '20 - Feb '22
Porte Chai

Porte Chai is Bangladesh’s first-ever smart on-demand academic & professional skill-sharing platform for university students. Here, we connect the learners with tutors.

Tech Stack:
• NestJS · Socket.IO
• PostgreSQL · TypeORM
• Docker, Amazon EC2

• Designed the database architecture of the platform
• Developed the entire backend of the platform
• Developed real-time notifications for users (same as Facebook friend requests, real-time requests sent from a learner to a tutor or vice versa, we call it “Tutoring Request” here)
• Developed and Integrated a local payment gateway (BKash) 
• Deployed the website in AWS EC2 with NGINX and docker

Apr '21 – Jun '21

I was the Project/IT Consultant for the CRVS project on smart Verbal Autopsy.

CRVS: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics are governmental solutions to declare and record citizens’ vital statistics in a centralized database. CRVS stands on six fundamental pillars: i. Birth, i. Adoption, iii. Marriage, iv. Divorce, v. Death, vi. Cause of Death.

Verbal Autopsy: Cause of Death is one of the fundamental pillars of CRVS. It has been seen that 20% of deaths in our country happen in the hospitals, which leads it to MCCOD, but the remaining 80% of the deaths are at the community level. That’s why we cannot get the death records and the reasons for the deaths. For this reason, we have surveyed with a questionnaire form to collect the data and analyze it to find out the causes of deaths at this community level.

In this survey project, we have made a questionnaire (which has been made with the help of the University of Melbourne) form with Open Data Kit (ODK) tool and surveyed at the community level to get information on the health condition, habits, and diseases of the dead person by asking the questions to the caregiver of his/her last days. After getting all the information, we analyzed the data with a smartVA analyzer, which the University of Melbourne has developed, and another tool named VIPER.

• Plan the whole project from top to bottom
• Set the questionnaire with the help of an epidemiologist
• Collaborate with the tech team to connect the ODK form to the server
• Use the smartVA 2.0 and VIPER analyzer tools to find out the cause of death with the epidemiologist.

• Developed an intern portal website for CS students
• Helped supervisor in his academic works


MSc. in Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

2023 - PRESENT

Activities and societies: Member at Tietokilta – Computer Science Guild | Captain at Fuksi SCI Peijais Team | ISO at TiK 2024

BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering

2016 - 2020

Student Exchange Delegate

Oct 2019 - Nov 2019

• Learned the cultures of China to have a progressive spiritual life and clear life goals
• Learned the different cultural activities as a delegate at the university
• Showed the cultural differences between the culture of Bangladesh & China in front of other delegates and hosts

Higher School Certificate


Grade: 5.00 out of Scale 5.00
Activities and societies: GS of Notre Dame Nature Study Club | SPO at Notre Dame Debate Club
• Achieved scholarship from Government on talent pool section based on the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) board exam
• Placed 125 in the Dhaka Board

Secondary School Certificate


Grade: 5.00 out of Scale 5.00
Activities and societies: House Leader | Sports

• House leader of a house named Ishakhan

• Sports like Basketball, Table Tennis, Cricket, Relay Race, Long Jump